Saturday, October 9, 2010
My relatives came for a visit today! I saw my baby niece! She's really cute! I just love babies :D
Carried her while she's sleeping. She can really sleep sia. HAHA. We are like talking very loudly and very noisy but its like none of it is her business as she just keeps on sleeping. Even if we shake her, call her or whatever, she just sleeps. haha. Her mama, which is also my cousin, says that she bring her to KTV to sing but still she also just SLEEP. So incredible. haha
Tried to take a couple shots of her but not very successful though. Only the attempted shot succeed and among all is the most beautiful picture. haha :D
enjoying d silence at
1:31 PM
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Back to blogging! :)
Got bored with blogging for quite long because I don't like my blogskin already and I can't find one that I like to change it. So slowly, I lose interest in it :/
Then today, I'm very very free so went searching for one that I like and ta-daa! I change it. Hopefully with the new skin, I can find back my 'passion' to blog. haha. Actually I have a lot of things to blog but because of my lack of interest before, a lot of things only swirl in my mind and after that kept to the back of my mind never to be taken out.
Does this make sense to anyone? Never mind if it doesn't because it's not important so it doesn't really matter :)
My mama went back to Malaysia again :( She said she will be back on Thursday though. I will wait patiently for your return! :)
Okay suddenly I'm at a lost of word and have no idea what I'm going to blog about. Oh well, I will just go have my noodles before it turns soggy :P
Till another time peeps! ;)
enjoying d silence at
9:44 PM
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Finally got a new phone! My contract is actually ready for upgrading last month but we thought still need 21months before I can re-contract so we never go can upgrade it.
As the time nears for me to change phone, I keep on going to M1 to check out the phones and see what I wanna change to. haha. But ultimately, I still choose iPhone4 because it's really pretty and 'square-ish' haha. I like my phone 'square-ish'. So now I got my
Need to jailbreak it later and do all the settings thingy after it finish it's first charging :)
And and and I got to sign student plan also. HAHA. Even though I'm not a student already, but I still have my student card. Student card can do wonders! LOL. Actually they wanted ez-link but I told them I didnt bring. haha. Because ez-link card got expiry date if I'm correct so just give them student card can liao :P
Thanks weixin and carmen for the info. It's them who told me can sign the student plan to get unlimited sms/mms. But I don't actually need it though cause hardly got people sms-ing me one. haha. I mostly one month at the most only use 200 plus plus sms-es only. So unlimited really have no much use for me. But bu na bai bu na right? haha
Going to explore see what kind of features can be install to my iPhone4 now. Weeee~
enjoying d silence at
3:57 PM
Friday, August 27, 2010
Happy Birthday Mama❤
Took her out to dinner today with the whole family. Told her yesterday not to cook as I will take her out to dinner and she keep on asking me why. LOL. She has totally forgotten that it's her birthday today. She can remember others but not her own. haha.
Didnt get her any present this year though. Cause we plan to get a fridge for her BUT our house is too small so cant fit a very big fridge in our kitchen. So no choice lor. Then she also didnt see any bracelet that she like so once again, no bracelet for present. So in the end, it's just a dinner with the family :)
After that went M1 to ask if I could upgrade my phone. hehe. They say I can already! :D So tomorrow I'm gonna go get a new phone. It's decided. I'm gonna go get a iPhone 4 :D Cant wait cant wait. HAHAHA. Finally an entertainment at work. hehe
Lastly, my niece. This is her when she is 1week old :)
enjoying d silence at
10:25 PM
Monday, July 26, 2010
Went out shopping with mama today cause need to get formal wear for my new job. But our first stop is Watsons cause I recommend my mama to go get Avene brand de shampoo. I at first thought they have it. But actually Avene dont have shampoo one. Is I remember wrongly. LOL
But then it doesnt matter cause the promoter there actually recommend us another brand of hair treatment. It actually is from the same lab of Avene so can say is produce by the same batch of people. So we bought a set of hair treatment plus some organic lip balm for my lips and off we go to search for formal wear.
I'm too fat already so there's nothing for me to get in G2000. At first thought it will be a futile trip again but then mama say we go inside this shop call 'KIYO' to see see cause we pass by it. And...... I actually found shirts of my size! And their apparels are all so comfy :D So tried on quite a few pieces and bought 3 shirts, 2 pants, 1 accessory and...... a DRESS! A miracle sia. Those that know me should know that I hate wearing dresses or skirts. But today a dress actually appear in my wardrobe. haha.
My brother even ask me take a photo and upload it for him to see cause he's in army. LOL. But well that dress really is nice. It's plain black and simple. I like :) I also got a new bag :P
Next will be a new phone. Most probably is iphone. But what should I do with my itouch if I get an iphone? Hmmm...
enjoying d silence at
8:38 PM
Sunday, July 18, 2010
It's been so long since I last updated. Not in the mood to write anything.
But just to update, I've got a job. A permanent job. In UOI. Starting in 2nd August I think. I think the benefits are not too bad. Salary is also my expected one. Just not sure if it is too little or just nice. But then I dont really need a lot of money. I dont even spend it. As in not as much as others cause I dont buy clothes and cosmetics. So I save a lot of money just on these two items.
Hopefully there are a lot of nice people there. And hopefully the job is not too bad. It's just that the place is quite far for me. Actually it's the same as my traveling time to Bukit Batok. But because I dont like to travel on the route towards Marina Bay, so I keep on thinking that it's very far. haha.
Been so busy this whole week. Partically went out everyday. Work, interview, celebration. Everything. So not I am deprived of sleep. haha. Cant wait for tuesday to come soon. That's my off day. I'm going to sleep the whole day away if I can. haha.
P.S. I want to get a new phone! But which model should I get? Any good suggestion? :)
enjoying d silence at
12:03 PM
Monday, June 14, 2010
PC Show 2010 ended yesterday... I was so tired that I slept the whole day away. Lol.
It was a new experience for me because I have never work at this kind of fair before. I think I shouted too much during the four days that now my voice sound weird. haha. It's fun working with the bunch of new friends that I make but I can't say that it's totally happy because there are also a lot of unhappy things. Really too much things to be listed here. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil and feel like crushing each and everyone of the bitches and bastards.
Lucky not all of them are heartless people so I shall not bother myself with them. But after this experience I don't think I want to work there again. I will try other booth maybe but surely not there because the people there makes me dislike working for them. Plus the commission is so little only. If the commission is a bit higher and even if the people there is very unfriendly I also dont mind cause at least I can earn more. But the commission is not much plus the people there is unfriendly... Luckily there is still a bunch of good and friendly and funny people there that makes my working there so much more happier. Really glad that there is this bunch of friends to joke around with :)
Even though we may not contact each other now that the PC show has ended, I'm really glad that I have known all of you because you make my four days at the PC show much much more beautiful... Thank you all :D
enjoying d silence at
8:02 PM